Resources / eBooks and Whitepapers / AI Trailblazers

How AI Trailblazers Implement MLOps

See how teams continuously ship ML to production.

What's in the Book

MLOps is the word of the year in data science circles, but most of it is still talk, not action. We see startups building unique, new products with machine learning and deep learning leading the charge with MLOps.

Find out how Preligens, KONUX and Sharper Shape implement MLOps best practices with the Valohai platform.

AI Trailblazers Ebook by Valohai
With chapters on


that builds deep learning models for geointelligence with a team of over 50 ML practitioners.


that builds models for predictive maintenance in the railway industry and is recognized in CBinisghts AI 100.

Sharper Shape

that builds models used to monitor utility lines and prevent wildfires in high-risk areas.