Announcing Valohai Pipelines
One of the more exciting things we have under development (or, should we say, in the pipeline) right now is our Pipeline system. Since our mission is to enable CI/CD style development for AI and machine learning, there's a logical next step up from just (well, "just" might be the understatement of the year here) running your code in a repeatable manner with Valohai.
Random hyperparameter optimization
Valohai now supports random search for hyperparameter optimization (which we call the Tasks feature), which has been proven in the aptly named paper Random search for hyper-parameter optimization to be an efficient way to find “neighborhoods” of likely-to-be-optimal hyperparameter values, which can then be iterated further to find the really good values.
Level Up Your Machine Learning Code from Notebook to Production
Developing a machine learning model for a new project starts with certain common groundwork and exploration, to understand your data and figure out the approaches to try. A popular choice for this groundwork is Jupyter, an environment where you write Python code interactively.
The Importance of Reproducibility
Reproducibility and replicability are cornerstones of the scientific method. Every so often there’s a sensationalized news article about a new scientific study with astounding results (for instance, we’re looking forward to seeing what’s hot at ICML 2018.