Blog / Eero Laaksonen
Eero Laaksonen

Eero Laaksonen

Serial entrepreneur hippie with a keen interest in making the world a better place. I believe people should work less and enjoy life more. Currently escalating the adoption of machine learning in enterprises around the world with Valohai.

February 10, 2023 Eero Laaksonen
LLMOps: MLOps for Large Language Models

LLMOps focuses on the operational capabilities and infrastructure required to fine-tune existing foundational models and deploying these refined models as part of a product.

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September 26, 2022 Eero Laaksonen
ML. The Pioneer Way.

We are renewing our commitment to helping ML Pioneers. Our focus has always been on supporting people working on the next wave of ML and we’ve been working hard to turn that focus into words and visuals. We want Valohai to be as bold as the ML Pioneers who rely on us.

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March 15, 2022 Eero Laaksonen
Mike Del Balso joins Valohai’s advisory board

Mike Del Balso is a familiar name to most in the machine learning community. He's one of the pioneers in the MLOps space and has laid the foundations for operational machine learning at Uber, Google, and most recently, Tecton.

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February 08, 2022 Eero Laaksonen
The 3Ps: The foundation of an ML Pioneer

People, Processes and Platforms are the foundation for every company looking to be an early-mover in machine learning. Leaders should focus on developing in tandem because unsupported team members will be ineffective and platforms alone can't provide value.

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January 24, 2022 Eero Laaksonen
Valohai strengthens its advisory board with Robocorp CEO Antti Karjalainen

We're excited to announce Antti Karjalainen to our advisory board. He's the founder of Robocorp, a leader in developer-first RPA. To Valohai, Antti brings his unique perspective on the developer tooling space and go-to-market strategy.

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June 23, 2021 Eero Laaksonen
Model Interpretability in a Nutshell

Let’s start by defining interpretability in the context of machine learning and AI. In simple terms, it means how easily a human can interpret how the model arrived at a decision.

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November 04, 2020 Eero Laaksonen
A Machine Learning Pipeline Creates a Shared Language

Modern tooling and shared work methods (CI/CD, version control, microservices) have enabled companies to scale their throughput in software development exponentially. A machine learning pipeline brings similar scale to machine learning.

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March 13, 2020 Eero Laaksonen
Machine Learning and Remote Work

A lot of companies and teams are going fully remote for the first time due to the Coronavirus. We at Valohai are big believers in remote work. Having practiced with a distributed team for a good 4 years we would like to share some of our thoughts on remote work in Machine Learning. A lot of major pain points we have seen revolve around tooling.

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June 18, 2019 Eero Laaksonen
Challenges in Building a Scalable AI Business

I see the quote “AI is the new electricity” thrown around in about every other blog post. I think there is truth in it, but I also think most people don’t go to the bottom of what it really means for their business. Let’s first define what we mean by AI: in this context, I’m referring to new advances in machine learning and deep learning.

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January 30, 2019 Eero Laaksonen
How to Grow Your Deep Learning Team with Version Control

There’s only one way to grow your deep learning team effectively: by adding new people to it! (We were just as shocked as you are by this revelation!)

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November 21, 2018 Eero Laaksonen
Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) on Valohai

Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit or CNTK is an open source framework for building Deep Learning models. This relatively new framework has been gaining traction so we decided to make sure Valohai supports it well. One of the benefits over competing frameworks has been CNTK’s ground up support for multi-node, multi-GPU training, something that for instance TensorFlow has been struggling to tackle well. If you are doing work on really large datasets, you should maybe give it a try.

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October 23, 2018 Eero Laaksonen
What to Store from a Machine Learning Experiment

When meeting with teams that are working with machine learning today, there is one point above everything else that I try to teach. It is the importance of storing and versioning of machine learning experiments and especially how many things there actually are that need to be stored.

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October 02, 2018 Eero Laaksonen
Valohai and Microsoft Join Forces in Deep Learning for Enterprises

Valohai and Microsoft cross lightsabers in the battle for artificial intelligence, through Microsoft’s global ScaleUp Program.

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September 28, 2018 Eero Laaksonen
Two Years of Democratizing AI

Valohai is turning 2 years old in three weeks. The paperwork was done on October 16th, 2016. It’s been a thrilling ride so I’ll take this chance to write a few words about why we really started this company.

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June 15, 2018 Eero Laaksonen
Machine Learning Researcher vs Engineers – What's the Difference?

Today’s machine learning teams consist of people with different skill sets. There are a bunch of different roles that are needed, but today I am going to talk about the two key roles that I get asked about the most: machine learning researcher / data scientist vs. machine learning engineer.

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