Blog / Eikku Koponen
Eikku Koponen

Eikku Koponen

Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn 🦄🐴 Interested in: R-Ladies, statistics, open data, data analysis, visualisation, Big Data, Data Science trends, modelling, R, Social Sciences, psychology, freelance, and most importantly: making a difference.

March 30, 2022 Eikku Koponen
Three ways to mitigate model output risk

Machine learning comes with new types of risk. We need to minimize the risk by addressing how we develop these algorithms and also how we apply these algorithms in the real world. In this article, we'll look at three ways of mitigating the latter – i.e. output risk.

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February 24, 2022 Eikku Koponen
One size doesn't fit all - How the use case affects ML system complexity

Algorithms have become faster, fancier, and more complex in the past couple of years. Still, they haven't gained as much complexity as the systems around algorithms. In this article, we'll discuss three examples of systems complexity.

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January 14, 2022 Eikku Koponen
Running Weights & Biases Experiments on Valohai Pipelines

Sometimes it is hard to combine the world of experimenting and the more dev-oriented world of data science with robust pipelines and modular work. This example combines Weights and Biases experiments with Valohai's production pipelines.

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December 20, 2021 Eikku Koponen
Data-Centric AI and How to Adopt This Approach

The data you have, is, if not the most, at least close to the most valuable asset you’ve got when creating AI systems. So in practice, what can you do to embrace more data-centric AI then? We have prepared some simple steps for you to keep in mind and implement.

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December 02, 2021 Eikku Koponen
Observability in Production: Monitoring Data Drift with WhyLabs and Valohai

Observability is the collection of statistics, performance data, and metrics from every part of your ML system. Metadata, if you will. We will dig into how we can easily get started with observability and detect data drift using whylogs while executing your pipeline on Valohai.

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November 08, 2021 Eikku Koponen
From Notebook to Production: Data Science Meets Engineering

When it comes to the production phase, actually providing the model to end-users and integrating it to the (existing) tools, Data Scientist often pass the baton to Software engineers. That handover is often quite rocky. Here are a few tips to how the bridge the gap between data science and engineering.

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November 01, 2021 Eikku Koponen
An End-to-End Pipeline with Hugging Face transformers

This article shows an example of a pipeline that uses Hugging Face transformers (DistilBERT) to predict the shark species based on injury descriptions. With Valohai, you can easily tie together typical data science workflows into repeatable pipelines.

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