Blog / Joanna Purosto
Joanna Purosto

Joanna Purosto

Marketing professional working in both strategic and tactical levels of business development and go-to-market operations. The nerdiest fitness-gurl (not a typo) you’ll ever meet.

July 28, 2020 Joanna Purosto
Valohai Joins Forces with Twitter and Facebook

Valohai, the MLOps platform company, is collaborating with Twitter and Facebook to launch a competition for the annual The Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference to advance the optimization of machine learning models towards more accurate AI solutions. The goal is to find better optimization algorithms for machine learning.

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November 04, 2019 Joanna Purosto
Continuous Integration in Automotive Machine Learning Development

Continuous Integration (CI) in software development is the process of testing that a change in one place doesn’t break something else. Continuous Delivery (CD), on the other hand, is an extension to CI where every change in the code is also deployed. Both are and have been core parts in the advancements of Extreme Programming, i.e. rapid small-batch development. This, on its hand, has been the main contributor to advancements in rapid software development.

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December 03, 2018 Joanna Purosto
How to scale deep learning experimentation in production tags: MLOps

Since the rise of the deep learning revolution, springboarded by the Krizhevsky et al. 2012 ImageNet victory, people have thought that data, processing power and data scientists were the three key ingredients to building AI solutions. The companies with the largest datasets, the most GPUs to train neural networks on, and the smartest data scientists were going to dominate forever.

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November 27, 2018 Joanna Purosto
Watch the Webinar on Version Control in Machine Learning

Watch a recording of the webinar on version control in machine learning that was held on 22th of November 2018. During the webinar we discussed about the topics below and answered multiple questions addressed by the attendees.

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October 30, 2018 Joanna Purosto
GDPR and its Effects on Machine Learning Based Decisions

You might have heard that every individual subject to automated decision making by machine learning models has a right to an explanation of the result. I bet you feel drops of sweat forming on your forehead when you receive an inquiry from a manager saying that he needs details about how a certain decision was made. If thinking about this scenario gives you chills, you are in the right place. Read further and learn how to tackle the transparency issue.

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June 19, 2018 Joanna Purosto
Machine Learning Infrastructure Explained to Business People

Machine learning infrastructure is one of the biggest things to concentrate on when building production-level machine learning models. Find all you need to know about what machine learning infrastructure is and why it is so important.

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March 26, 2018 Joanna Purosto
Valohai Receives $1.8M to Accelerate Machine Learning Adoption

Valohai, a machine learning (ML) platform-as-a-service company, has raised $1.8M in funding to help international companies accelerate machine learning development and scale their model deployment. The round was led by Nordic seed stage investment company Superhero Capital, with participation from Reaktor Ventures and Business Finland, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.

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