Blog / Viktoriya Kuzina
Viktoriya Kuzina

Viktoriya Kuzina

At Valohai I do marketing. My mission is to ensure that no company tries to reinvent the wheel and waste their resources building their own MLOps tooling.

March 27, 2023 Viktoriya Kuzina
How to Ensure Traceability and Eliminate Data Inconsistency

The key takeaways from a presentation by Andres Hernandez, Principal Data Scientist at KONUX, about how their team streamlines operations utilizing the Valohai datasets feature.

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March 06, 2023 Viktoriya Kuzina
Business Value of MLOps

In 2020, Forbes estimated the market of MLOps solutions is expected to reach $4 billion by 2025. The recent Venture Beats article claims it will grow to over $6 billion by 2028. Let's look at what is the driving force for the demand of MLOps.

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February 20, 2023 Viktoriya Kuzina
Hannes Heikinheimo, Speechly: Voice is the New Touch

Hannes is working on making voice the new touch: ubiquitous and intuitive for everyone. Together with his team Hannes is pioneering not only voice interfaces but also voice moderation problem.

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July 18, 2022 Viktoriya Kuzina
Top 3 industries that need AI solutions the most in 2022

We look at industries with the highest need for artificial intelligence solutions in 2022, why they need it, and gives example use-cases.

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June 09, 2022 Viktoriya Kuzina
Valohai in Gartner's Guide for DSML Engineering Platforms

Valohai has been mentioned as a Representative Vendor by Gartner® in the “Market Guide for DSML Engineering Platforms”

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May 09, 2022 Viktoriya Kuzina
Is online inference causing your gray hair?

Suppose you find your projects to be in the gray area between the extremes of delayed and real-time inference where you can go with either one, ask yourself if you can delay. And if you can, you should!

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